I'm writing to say that i've had an amazing time on Billy Batson and the Magic of Shazam and as i see my time done and i am stepping off of the series to move onto other things, i look forward to seeing what the new creative team does with it.
the new team is made up of about 6 people . . . two writers(Art Baltazar and Franco), a penciler(rotating between Byron Vaughn and Stephen DeStefano) , an inker(rotating between Ken Branch and Stephen DeStefano), a colorist, a letter and different cover artists . . . WHEW! that's a lot of awesome people. ;) no wonder i took a bit with each issue doing it by myself. ;) anyway, they are gonna work great together to bring everyone a lot of "marvelous" fun each month.
i thank you all for a wonderful experience on it and thank DC(jann jones and dan didio) for giving lil' ol' me the singular best opportunity to completely develop, present, produce, and have fun establishing a brand new series about our favorite captain. . . Captain Marvel. i hope there's a good foundation to build on, and i can't wait to see where it goes from here.
i want to also thank all of you great and amazing fans that write to me and have visited me at all the conventions. your constant support and encouragement and letters have been awesome and made me enjoy working in Captain Marvel's universe even more. and to those that got the special decoders that i made, i give a loud and warm shout of . . . SHAZAM!
on a small note...the wonderful jann jones came up with my credits on the books . . . "words, pictures and heart" . . . and i want to thank her because that is truly what i gave to this series . . . my heart into it. and thank you all for recieving it and enjoying it through the storytelling.
now, as i venture off into new stories with other characters, i look forward to seeing all of you great fans again at other shows and conventions and connecting with you through new books and creations. . . . . especially those concerning a certain bear in a red cape . . . ;)
so, for any new info about my projects and stories and adventures please check out my blog at http://www.theastonishfactory.blogspot.com
and website at http://www.theastonishfactory.com.as always . . . take care and ALL the best in everything,
mike . . .and don't forget the magic word . . .