Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Shazam Issue 3 sneak peaksssss :)

hey gang,

hope you had are getting ready for a GREAT Holiday season!
this is my most favorite time of the year!
and while you're all being good boys and girls in waiting for a happy Christmas Eve to arrive and deliver Issue 3 of Billy Batson, i thought i'd bring some early Christmas gifts to ya. . .
soooooo, here are some panel sneaks in full color and Holiday cheer. this issue is going to be a tough one for Billy and his sis. Theo has become more than just a nuisance to them. Billy is really going to need Solomon's Wisdom to get out of this one.
i hope you all enjoy the issue.
:) i'm really proud of it. also, thanks for your patience as you wait for the issues. we are on a bi-monthly schedule, but sometimes life takes over for all of us. regardless, you'll never get an issue from me that hasn't been given the very best full effort of love and care and investment of quality. these characters are very important to me and the world they are living in is one that i respect and love creating.
so, with no further babbling . . .enjoy the sneak peaks and the fun!
all the best,
m . . .