but let's just say that if hypothetically a magazine were to . . . oh, i don't know, um . . ."preview" something #1 saaaaay in May '08, then that would mean that it would time-travel and arrive in July '08 inside the stores that would carry that certain "something #1."
hmmmm. interesting.
welllll, i'm just babbling here, so don't mind me.
all the best,
mike . . .
Interesting indeed. I'll have to find this magazine that previews things for the future and take a look at it. Maybe my local comic shop can order it.
Looks like lucky number 7 strikes again!
Little John
Heh. J. Torres blew this about a week ago:
"I believe it's now coming out in July." :)
Already put it on my comic store's list waaay back when at the same time as Art's "Tiny Titans". Can't wait!
i'm sorry, I wasn't listening. could you repeat that? ;)
Yaaah, I can't wait until July.
Excellent...I'm sooooo looking forward to this!!!
I can't wait to see the cover of the first issue.
I can't wait!! ^.^
Neither can I catherine.
Check this out folks:
This site is calling the first issue the cover of the month.
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