I've absolutely loved the adventures of the big red cheese since i was a kid, and have had little collectibles here and there.
but let's just say that nowwwwww i have even more reason and
i've had THE best time these days hunting down
any and all Captain Marvel "research" stuffff.
old, new, toy, book, collectible . . . allll good.
take care and all the best,
m . . .
dude. i'm so psyched for your take on captain marvel. this is going to be AWESOME!
Fantastic new blog! I'll be checking back regularly.
Nice to see someone else with a copy of the original "Monster Society of Evil" hardcover. Now I definitely know you're a true fan.
any excuse to buy new toys is always the best excuse there is :) can i come over & play???
Mike!! This is WICKED! I can't believe I'm FINALLY going to be able to buy a new comic from you! Can't wait!
I love to see a desk covered in toys! Very cool!!
Looking forward to this new series, loved Hero Bear and been jonesin' for more!
This is all very exciting, but WHEN can I anticipate having the first issue in my hands? Kinda frustrating to have the book announced without any kind of tentative release date.
At any rate I'm pleased there'll be a comic of my favorite superhero I can give to my godsons!!
I look forward to more preview artwork soon!
P.S. I hope Capt Marvel Jr. will be in the series!
I cannot wait for this new series. Mike can you give us some idea as to when it will begin?
I wish I still had my Captain Marvel Mego. Waah!
Awesome! You have an amazing collection!
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